
When do you call a relationship healthy?

Every connection is unique from the other, and people come together to fulfil different reasons. What defines a healthy bond is deciding your goals at the beginning of this connection. Knowing what you expect from it and what is the end goal. The only way to do this is by having a heart-to-heart conversation with your partner. However, there are a few elements that a lot of healthy relationships have in common. By knowing them, you can work on your rapport and build a fulfilling, exciting and meaningful connection while tackling all the challenges effortlessly.

Maintain an emotional connection

You both make each other feel emotionally complete. There is a thin line between feeling loved and being loved. Feeling loved makes you feel accepted and valued in the true sense. Some couples get too comfortable with each other and forget to keep up the romance. Meaning they get stuck in a state of peaceful coexistence. These connections might seem stable on the surface, but they lack depth, which could lead to distance between the two people involved.

Don’t be afraid to speak about your feelings

There could be times when you feel loved inadequately or disagree with your partner in an argument. The most important sign of a healthy relationship is expressing your feelings to your partner without feeling judged or ridiculed for your emotions.

Be open to disagreements

Some couples sort things without making much voice, while some can’t avoid passionate arguments. Whatever the case, you both should be able to listen to each other’s opinions with an open mind and come to a mutual decision without any humiliation or degradation about being right.

Don’t throw away your hobbies and friends

Staying with one person 24*7 without much contact with the world could drive you mad. Despite the claims of Disney and romantic fiction movies, one person can’t tick off all your needs. Expecting everything from your partner might put an unhealthy burden on them, which would only cause frustration and a strained relationship. Keep your hobbies alive, meet family and party with friends to keep the relationship young. Preserving your personality is also very important. Don’t get too lost and forget who you are.

Accept mistakes

It can be called human nature to deny when they are wrong. But the key to a long-lasting romantic life is to accept your shortcomings and mistakes and eventually work on them. Apologizing when wrong also works wonders and will strengthen the bond and understanding between you and your partner.

How To Say Sorry In Five Different Ways After A Fight In A Relationship

A healthy relationship revolves around the pure honesty of being able to accept your mistakes and apologize. There are even songs conveying the same message. Though our human instincts stop us from letting our guard (ego) down and accepting our mistakes, if a long-lasting and healthy relationship is what you dream of, it is necessary to do the deed.  So, to help you carry the act effectively, here are five creative ways to say sorry.

  • Cook your partner’s favourite dish
  • Romantic movie night
  • Customized gift hamper
  • Romantic drive
  • Handwritten letter

Good communication is the heart of a strong connection. It might be challenging to adhere to a few of these tips, but putting effort and trying your best is what truly matters, and in no time, you will find yourself amidst a beautiful and healthy bonding.